Monday, March 31, 2008

To Hell With Brokeback Mountain

(This is a reprint of a letter sent by Diana Parker, Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin, Madison to BlackBook, 10th Anniversary Year Issue May 2006).

Dear Richard Hell,

Your review of Brokeback Mountain ("Hell at the Movies," BlackBook, Winter Music Issue 2005-06) was amazingly appalling. Thank you very much for summarizing a loving relationship between two men as one that was like any other buddy relationship between two men. They are in love, and it is obvious that they are. You might might have missed it while you were busy thinking up those awful gay butt jokes for your reviews. Saying that gay male relationships are straight male relationships with the exception that gay males "just happen not to mind actively assisting in each other's ejaculations" is not humorous--it is demeaning. While I assume the unbelievably passive and impersonal voice is your attempt to look like a dry, witty fellow, it is a disaster and really devalues your praise of the movie. But I also want to thank you for stating that their impoverished lives left them at a stage where they are more likely to go to a male for emotional and physical love, a stage called prepubescence! You managed to include two major classic arguments against queer culture in your article: that queers are driven by happening--once again, I will quote this awesome sentence of yours--"to not mind actively assisting in each other's ejaculation" and their emotional and/or mental immaturity. Ugh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've watched this film, and I find it very sentimental!